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Does your business have a video strategy? When asked, 71% of people say they’d rather watch a video than read an article on a website. According to the experts, video has just surpassed blogging as the number one component of a content strategy.

“You wouldn’t want to invest much into in a video that has a short shelf life, like a ‘Happy Holidays from the Team’ video, but a video that’s going to be housed on your home page for a longer period of time is worth the investment.”

– Cheryl Weedmark, Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at

Here are the top five must-have marketing videos to help you build your video marketing strategy.

1. Company Story – Who are you? Where did you come from and where are you going? People want to build a relationship with the faces behind the company. Talk about your history, about the organizations you support in the community, and make sure to talk about your company values. This is a great video to put on your website homepage or about us page.

2. Explainer Video – This video gets behind why a prospective customer should do business with you.Talk about the problem that you can help solve for them. 

3. The Executive Thank You Video (from a company executive) – This is a B2B winner. Your customer has just bought your product and they’re taken to a landing page where an executive video thanks them for their purchase, suggests some related up-sells and lets them know that you’re personally invested in their success. A very powerful piece of content! This is even more effective if you can personalize it for each sale.

4. Landing Page Videos – This is a relatively new type of video. When the customer arrives on the landing page, they’re greeted by a video explaining what they can expect when they surrender their contact information. For example, that they’ll be contacted by someone shortly, can we help you going forward? etc.

“This type of video does two types of things – it lets the person know what’s going to happen next, and it also helps your sales reps by letting the potential customer know in advance that they’ll be contacted by them.”

– Rick Lambert, B2B Sales Performance Coach of

5. Promotional Product Service Video – This video talks about what you’re selling and the services that you offer. This is a late-stage funnel video that’s a great asset for your sales team when they’re about to close a sale. 

While these five must-have videos are great for you to include in your video marketing strategy, check out Episode 28 of the SMARKETING Show where you’ll learn about five more types of videos that are effective winners for your video strategy!

Filmed live on location in London, Ontario, The SMARKETING SHOW features award winning B2B Sales Performance Coach Rick Lambert of and former TV News Anchor Cheryl Weedmark, now Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at

Join Rick and Cheryl Thursdays on YouTube when B2B sales and marketing meet!