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Today, video is playing a large role in our online lives, now more than ever. In this post, we’re going to offer some tips, tricks and best practices for getting the most from your videos, whether you’re looking to take a selfie, or impress your clients at your next Zoom meeting!

The Importance of Video 

Video is a great tool for not only communicating with clients but today, given the circumstances, it’s the best method for conveying emotion. Here are some technical tips and best practices for maximizing your video experience!

  • Lighting is Critical! – Lighting is the easiest way to make your video look either really terrible or much, much, better! The first tip is really simple… FACE the light source!
  • Beware of the Background – Remember, there are other elements that may be visible in your shot. Think about what your viewer will actually see. 
  • Hold the Camera Level or Slightly Above Your Face – For a more flattering image, keep the camera level with, or slightly above, your face. Also, position the camera horizontally, not vertically. It provides you with a wider, more balanced image. 
  • Look at the Camera Lens, NOT Your Computer Screen! – Picture yourself having a one-on-one conversation. Think of the lens of your camera as the other person’s eyes!

“I like to use a pool party analogy when it comes to video. Sometimes you just have to jump in the pool with what you’re wearing. You may never look as perfect as you’d like. Just get in there. More of our clients are doing more and more video and we’re seeing huge engagement.” – Rick Lambert, B2B Sales Performance Coach of

Here are a couple of quick tips about content.

  • Let Viewers Know What to Expect, Upfront – Say hello, and then give viewers a quick synopsis of what you’ll be talking about in your video.
  • Keep it Short and Concise – 59% of viewers watch a video for one minute or less, so keep it short!
  • Text is for Reading, Video is for Feeling – Remember, video is more likely to move a viewer to take action more than text or static images because it triggers emotion. Be genuine, be real, and be honest when creating content!

“Remember to be human – use your hands, be energetic! Be passionate about what you’re talking about. Sometimes it’s the last thing we think about – but don’t forget to smile!” Cheryl Weedmark, Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at

Video is powerful! Video is shared 1200% more than text or images on social media, 90% of product buyers have cited video as a major influence in their decision to purchase, and 65% of executives say they’ll visit a company’s website after watching a video on social media. These simple tips can help you create videos that will bring results!

View the video versions of this content now on THE SMARKETING SHOW – Episodes 11 and 12.

Filmed live on location in London, Ontario, The SMARKETING SHOW features award winning B2B Sales Performance Coach Rick Lambert of and former TV News Anchor Cheryl Weedmark, now Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at

Join Rick and Cheryl Thursdays on YouTube when B2B sales and marketing meet!