Since 2003, Proven IT has been providing technology solutions to businesses looking to save time, money, and improve workflows. Proven IT is committed to excellence - supporting their clients and community like no other.

Before partnering with IN2, Proven IT struggled with their digital presence not representing how talented they are in the office technology industry. Because of this, we knew that a complete website upgrade and managed marketing would help position Proven IT as the industry leader they are.

If your digital presence doesn’t represent your brand, then there is a good chance prospects will choose another company to trust. That’s exactly why we decided a complete website overhaul, social media marketing strategy, email marketing, and workflow automation was the best way to engage with both prospects and current customers looking for service.

Custom Website

In this day in age, your website is everything. With well-researched SEO, a blogging strategy, and plenty of opportunities to gather lead information, Proven IT was given the opportunity to generate leads and better serve their current customers. With improved UX/UI, users are now able to seamlessly navigate and intuitively find what they are looking for.

Video Production

New website features divisional leaders on explainer videos to heighten awareness of the need for core services. Videos have allowed Proven IT to showcase the talent of their people and scale the organization's value proposition on the website, social media, YouTube and beyond.

Virtual Workplace Tour

To support lead generation, Proven IT provides their ideal customer profile with a “Self-Serve” evaluation of 6 specific technology areas within their IT infrastructure. The Virtual Tour is available 24x7 on their website and is used throughout their communication mediums including social media, blogs and email campaigns for lead generation. The tour offers full visibility of each participant's technology opportunities for warm sales follow up.

HubSpot Marketing Automation

Alongside launching Proven IT’s new website, we wanted to take advantage of Hubspot workflow automations to help generate more leads and build relationships. Previously, if a lead submitted a form on their website, an employee would need to manually follow up. Now, leads receive a multi-step campaign to ensure they have everything they need to succeed.

Social Media Marketing

Now that Proven IT has a new website, we knew that we had to get it out there! Our social media team planned out a pre-launch strategy to create buzz, and a post-launch strategy sharing all of the new resources, features, and opportunities on their new website. After the website content was shared, we continued to strategize new content for their social channels aimed to help educate, create the need for office technology, and generate leads.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best ways to show off new features, share insights, and build a relationship with prospects and customers alike. Our team builds regular newsletters that keep Proven IT top of mind and on top of trends in the industry.

LinkedIn Profile Makeovers & Sales Coaching

New LinkedIn profile was created and coaching provided by IN2 to standardize all sales profiles into “customer resumes”. Standardization of sales profiles was followed by live and on demand coaching to elevate rep engagement of corporate posts, use LinkedIn for prospecting and boost Proven IT’s visibility and footprint on LinkedIn.

Business Impact

  • Website positions Proven IT as national Technology Service Provider
  • 245% increase in marketing qualified leads in the first 12 months with their new website
  • Rebranded sales team LinkedIn profiles from “Job Resumes” to “Sales Resumes”
  • Grew LinkedIn followers by 6% in one year
  • 150% increase in organic impressions
  • Web Traffic increase of XX% in first 6 months
  • 400% increase in LinkedIn Engagement
  • Standardized Corporate branding throughout digital DNA
  • Ongoing Lead Generation