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Has video marketing become part of your marketing toolkit? Maybe you’re still not sure it’s worth the investment. Or perhaps you’re not sure where to begin. Video marketing is one of the most versatile and effective marketing tools out there, and if you want to stand out from the pack it’s critical to incorporate it into your overall marketing strategy.

Here are some statistics to consider:

  • YouTube says that there’s a 100% annual increase in mobile video consumption every year!
  • Videos on social media are shared 1200% more than combinations of text and images.
  • 64% of video viewers are more likely to buy your product after watching a video about it.

But, not all marketing videos are created equal. If you use the medium the right way it can yield incredible results. Knowing what not to do can mean the difference between a successful campaign or epic failure. Here are some mistakes to avoid to ensure your next video marketing campaign is a hit!

Using Stereotypes or Taking a Controversial Stand

Some brands will deliberately use stereotypes to build mental links, or sometimes create controversy. This practice is more offensive than effective. Yes, stereotypes and controversies get people talking, but often it’s tactless, or worse, a distraction from your brand.

Not Having a Clear Message

This is a big one! If your video is a rundown of your business, with no clear message, you won’t convert visitors. On the flip side, if your campaign is “too creative,” with no clear message you won’t generate business. Another common mistake is cramming too many messages into your content. Video viewers have short attention spans and you have little time to reach them. Keep your messages direct and concise.

Forgetting a Clear Call-to-Action

Without a CTA, your video isn’t working for you. You may educate or entertain your viewers, but it won’t translate into more business. Be creative, and appeal to your target market’s interests, but make sure you directly ask them to take action!

Not Including SEO

SEO doesn’t only apply to webpages. Google ranks videos like it ranks written content. Include SEO into your video production. Optimize by transcribing your script and including keywords, optimizing tags and metadata, and submitting a video sitemap. This will work to get more eyes on your content.

Video marketing is here to stay and it’s growing rapidly. Want to learn more? Contact us at In2communications and let us show you how a well-crafted video can become a powerful lead generator for your business!