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Social media has changed the way we all do business. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn are all viable ways to increase your visibility, engage and network with prospects, and generate quality leads. While many social media channels offer a business component, LinkedIn is specifically designed for the business user.

Creating a LinkedIn company page can help you to network and engage with prospects who may need your products or services. It also establishes the public image of your business on a local and global scale and can build your brand as a reputable and trustworthy enterprise.

According to LinkedIn,
50% of B2B web traffic originating from social media comes from LinkedIn.

Here are a few key reasons why you need a LinkedIn company page:

1- Stay Top of Mind with Beneficial Content

Publishing content that answers your target customers’ questions and educates them on why they need what you offer tops the list of key reasons to have a company LinkedIn page.This helps you engage with people one-on-one, and establish thought leadership within your industry. Use different formats for content like blog posts, webinars, videos or podcasts to change it up and reach more of your target audience. Keep it relevant, and don’t be afraid to ask for comments, likes and shares. 91 percent of executives rate LinkedIn as their first choice for professionally relevant content (source: LinkedIn)

2- Introduce New Service or Products

According to several studies, the top 5 reasons people follow a brand on social media are promotions or discounts, customer service, entertaining content, the ability to engage directly, and information on the latest products available. Use your LinkedIn company page to introduce new products, post explainer videos, and show how your product or service can meet your prospects’ needs.

3- Competitive Differentiation

LinkedIn is the perfect platform for emphasizing how your business is different – especially if your competitors are sluggish about posting content. Use company news and share information about your corporate culture, philosophy and vision. Use infographics, photos, video, and artwork to show users how your company thinks and acts. Showcasing your people can also be a great way to  differentiate your company from the pack.

4- Finding New Hires 

Your company page can also be a great recruiting tool for job candidates. Research suggests that most millennial workers will search a company’s social media channels and formulate their opinion of the company based on what they see. Keeping your page up to date is a super way to show that you are current and engaged in your “ecosystem”.

Creating a LinkedIn company page will help you to build your brand, prospect for new hires, and generate quality leads. A company page allows you to show prospects who you are, and why they should work with you. A LinkedIn company page is an easy and extremely effective way to grow your business. Want to learn more? Contact us at In2communications and let us help you craft the perfect company page to generate more leads!