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The start of a new year offers a clean slate and provides the perfect opportunity to establish personal and professional goals. Remember if, you’re looking at your customers on LinkedIn, chances are they are looking at you too!

Sales professionals that take our sister company SelltoWin’s LinkedIn to Win on-demand training course say they’ve noticed an immediate boost (positive feedback and visibility) after updating their LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn Opportunities

  • Personal / Company Branding
  • Lead Generation
  • Network Expansion
  • Employment Search

Are you hoping to secure a new job in 2018? Or perhaps you want to gain more online visibility for your business? If either of these goals are on your horizon, updating your LinkedIn profile needs to be a priority.

With more than 500 million users in LinkedIn, having an active presence on this social media platform is the ideal place to showcase your professional identity.

Here are 6 updates to make to your LinkedIn profile to help you reach your goals in the new year: 

  1. Change your profile picture. You should think of your LinkedIn profile picture as the visual equivalent of you walking into a job interview. Since it will be the first impression that many of your LinkedIn contacts have of you, you want to make sure that your profile picture sends the right message. 
  2. Update your background image. Your background image should reflect your professional life, such as your company logo. Keep in mind that your background image gives your LinkedIn profile the opportunity to stand out among 500 million other profiles. 
  3. Optimize your headline. Your LinkedIn headline is the section of text that users will see first when they conduct a search on the social media platform. Instead of being matter-of-fact with your headline, come up with a creative headline that will separate you from the masses while still using relevant keywords.
  4. Tell your story in your user summary. The summary section of your LinkedIn profile allows you to get personable with your audience. Tell your story about where you’ve been and where you’re going. Use this space to share your passions and career aspirations in your own words.
  5. Personalize your URL. Your LinkedIn URL needs to be optimized for SEO. Personalizing your URL gives you the opportunity to include relevant keywords related to your position or industry. 
  6. Ask for recommendations. Peer-to-peer endorsement is powerful, and LinkedIn makes it easy to ask for professional references without the hassle of putting together a formal letter. Adding reviews to your LinkedIn profile will increase your credibility and validate that you’re a person worth doing business with. 

Using these tips will allow you to keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and will help you to achieve your professional goals in 2018.