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Sales training is one of the most effective ways to retain your employees. Did you know that your employees are 12 times more likely to leave your organization if they’re not offered the opportunity to develop within the company?

Millennials in sales roles using our sister company’s new selltowin eCademy tell us they want to consume sales training anywhere, anytime and on any device. Remember, millennials already make up roughly 50% of today’s workforce – if not more, in sales positions.

While talent development is critical to the success of your organization, some companies can’t afford to pay the high costs related to in-person training. Online sales training is making big waves in the sales education and training world for this very reason, and taking advantage of these online training programs will give your organization a competitive edge.


Here are some reasons companies are shifting to online training in 2018:

Cost Savings

From travel-related expenses to lost productivity, the costs of classroom-based training can add up quickly. Online training eliminates the need for employee travel and offers a flexible e-learning solution, which helps to significantly reduce training costs and allow employees to study around their work commitments.

Better Coordination

With traditional classroom-based training, trainers and participants need to be available at the same time for instruction. Also, face-to-face training often requires a certain number of participants for the class to be offered. E-learning takes away these logistics challenges and offers a training solution at a time that best suits employees’ needs and schedules.

Increased Flexibility

Because employees simply need a computer and Internet access to complete online training, they can take courses from any location at any time.

Comfortable Environment

There’s no need to “dress-up” or go anywhere to take online courses. This allows employees to complete training in the comfort of their own home. Research shows that employees are more productive and engaged when they’re able to work in a comfortable environment.


Online training allows employees to complete courses at their own pace. If there’s an important concept that they don’t understand, employees are able to revisit the concept until they comprehend it. Because online training is self-paced, employees are not required to move at the speed of the trainer.

Tracking and Reporting

From the employer’s perspective, online training makes it easy to determine how employees are progressing through the results of built-in assessments. These analytics will reveal which areas your team is grasping and which areas need more attention going forward.

In summary, online sales training presents your business with enormous benefits and will help you to attract and retain top talent in 2018.