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As a B2B digital marketing agency, we are often asked about our top recommendations for marketing software. While there may not be a one-sized fits all answer, we definitely have a few that we reach for on a daily or weekly basis to help improve our clients’ digital presence. Whether you are looking to boost brand awareness or generate leads, we have you covered with our list of the Top 10 Marketing Software Tools that Your B2B Company Should be Using. Read on to learn more!

1. HubSpot

Without a doubt, HubSpot is one of the most popular marketing software tools available, and for good reason. HubSpot is a user-friendly inbound marketing, sales, and customer service platform. This top-of-the-line CRM tool allows users to create email workflow automations, send newsletters, schedule social media content, and manage contact databases. These features are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to HubSpot, as there are many other features that can be added based on your subscription. One of the most powerful ways to use HubSpot is to create automations that allow you to immediately follow up with leads while they’re still hot. Though creating them can take a bit of elbow grease, once they’re up and running, your sales team will thank you for making their jobs so much easier!

2. Hootsuite

Hootsuite, a social media scheduling and reporting software, is one of our favorite marketing tools. Scheduling social media content can save you a lot of time and ensure you are posting on a consistent basis. With Hootsuite’s predictive AI, it will let you know the best times to post your content, based on previous activity. This can help you get in front of more people and increase engagement. You can go beyond just your company’s social media accounts by adding your salespeople’s LinkedIn accounts as well. This means your salespeople can schedule their posts in advance and don’t have to remember to post on a daily basis.


If your company has a lot of projects on the go at once, may be the perfect marketing software for you. helps teams to manage tasks and projects on one centralized platform and allows them to collaborate, communicate and track their progress in real-time. You can rank tasks based on priority level, assign them to one or multiple teammates, and set notifications to remind you when the task is due. This marketing software will keep your teammates on the same page, and help them get tasks done in a timely manner.

4. Semrush

Semrush is a leading SEO and website optimization software tool that can help you identify opportunities to organically increase your website traffic. This tool has a number of capabilities including the ability to analyze your domain authority, organic and paid traffic, keywords, top-ranking pages, and more. Not to mention, you can enter keywords that you want to rank for, and it provides suggestions you can use to increase your ranking. You can also add your top competitors to see how they are ranking for the same keywords.

5. Jasper

Using AI for marketing is a hot topic! One of our favorite AI content tools is Jasper. Jasper is similar to ChatGPT, in that you enter in a prompt and it will populate a response, however, Jasper takes AI-generated content to the next level. Jasper was specifically built as a writing assistant and it can help with tasks like brainstorming blog topics, writing content, and improving your brand voice. It’s a good idea to use AI-generated content as a guide or starting point only. Copying and pasting content directly from AI tools may come back to haunt you later because if the content appears as unoriginal or spammy it can have a negative impact on your SEO rankings.

6. Hotjar

Hotjar is a heatmap and session recording marketing software that can help you see how your website visitors navigate throughout your website. By using the heatmaps tool, you can see what buttons are being clicked on the most, what videos are being played, how far the average user gets down a page, and more. The session recording tool does exactly what the name implies; it provides a screen rendering of a visitor’s real actions, letting you see how they travel throughout your website. These tools can help you see if your website is effective and optimized for what your users want to see. One of our favorite ways to leverage the power of Hotjar is when we launch a new website. It allows us to identify any areas that need updates or changes.

7. ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo is a lead generation software tool that can identify the companies that visited a website, how they found it, what pages were viewed, and how long they spent viewing those pages. This is extremely helpful from a sales perspective, as you can send the company information straight to your CRM for seamless follow-up. Knowing how a company finds your website can help you optimize your sales efforts based on how qualified the company is.

8. Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is an SEO and website optimization tool that helps you see gaps in your website’s current SEO strategy. By downloading their software, you can simply pop in your website’s URL, and see if you are missing metadata like meta descriptions, keywords, and ALT text. In addition, you can see if your site is properly using headings, redirects, and if you have duplicate data. By making these changes, you can improve your website’s SEO strategy, which can result in more organic website traffic. It can also be used to crawl your competitor’s websites, so you can see if they have any errors that you can use to your advantage. Plus, you can see what keywords they are bidding on and ensure you have content aligned with them.

9. Survey Monkey

With the help of Survey Monkey, you can create aesthetic, branded, multi-step surveys for your clients, employees, and prospects. We like to use Survey Monkey when we are in the beginning stages of creating a website. We ask our clients what features they would like to see, what types of content would be most helpful to them and what they think about the website’s design. It also gives them the opportunity to share other websites they like that might offer inspiration.

10. Zapier

Automation is becoming more and more vital for companies. By automating tedious and time-consuming tasks, you can save a ton of time (and frustration!). While automation is great, it’s not always possible to natively connect certain software or complete certain tasks. This is where Zapier comes in. Zapier is web-based automation tool that allows users to connect various applications and automate workflows between them. With the help of Zapier, there are thousands of automations available at your fingertips. Plus, making automated tasks, or “Zaps”, is extremely easy and can be done in just a couple of clicks. Below is one example of a Zap, where if a Google Meeting is canceled, Zapier automatically sends you a direct message on Slack so you are notified immediately.

Final Words

As you can see, there are many marketing software tools that your B2B company should take advantage of. While it may be tricky to get started or implement new software, the return on investment can be exponential! As a digital marketing agency, we see how beneficial each and every one of these software tools are for our clients across North America. If you are struggling to implement any of these marketing software tools within your company, don’t hesitate to contact IN2 and we’ll be happy to help!

About IN2communications

IN2communications is an award-winning digital marketing and web design agency helping hundreds of B2B organizations create awareness, boost consideration rates and generate sales leads.

Our awesome team provides experienced expertise in the following areas: Creative Strategy, B2B Campaigns, Web Development, Video Production, Social Media, Paid Advertising, SEO, Email Campaigns, Blogging, Presentations, Webinars and remarkable Content Creation.