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While some of us are getting back to the office and others are continuing to work from home, there is no doubt that COVID-19 has changed how we do business for the long term.

Even though the way we do business has changed, it’s important to remember that this change offers opportunity. The top sales leaders and reps have been shifting their messaging from sales to education as a way to provide value to their customers. Potential buyers are involving themselves in virtual communities and are looking for a unique and creative sales approach.

Seize the Moment

With the shift to virtual selling, it’s key to stay top of your buyers’ minds, approach them at their point of need, and of course, always be respectful. Your customers are not looking to be sold to. Messaging needs to shift from being sales-oriented to supportive and informational. Even the way to find qualified leads has changed over these past few months, and it starts by redefining what a qualified lead is in the virtual workspace.

In this virtual selling environment, companies are reaching out to put their businesses in front of as many potential buyers as possible, even if they did business with them once, years ago. Competition is fierce, so to stand apart you need to think creatively about how to deliver your message, how you can solve customer problems, and provide value. 

“Find out what your competition is doing. Success leaves clues.“ – Rick Lambert, B2B Sales Performance Coach,

The relationships you build by providing value now will be long-lasting.

Offer Creative Alternatives and Provide Value

Buyers, and potential buyers, who are working from home actually have more time to explore alternatives. Create a supportive, educational role for yourself. There are a lot of opportunities to create value for your customers that will help to build trust.

“To stand out from the competition you need to think creatively on how to give that supportive message to your customer. How do you help solve their problems?” – Cheryl Weedmark, Director of Marketing & Customer Experience, IN2communications

For example, two avenues to explore are:

• Consider how you can partner with other businesses that offer complementary products or services. Provide value by creating a one-stop-shop.

• Be creative when offering solutions. For example, create online “virtual events” to interact with people from all over the world. Offer incentives, do a training webinar, and call it “Lunch and Learn.” Get in front of clients and prospects to support them. 

Now is the time to invest in your business, and your customers. Take an approach of a little less sell, a little more show and education. The relationships you build now are the ones that will last.

View the video version of this content now on THE SMARKETING SHOW – Episode 8







Filmed live on location in London, Ontario, The SMARKETING SHOW features award winning B2B Sales Performance Coach Rick Lambert of and former TV News Anchor Cheryl Weedmark, now Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at

Join Rick and Cheryl Thursdays on YouTube when B2B sales and marketing meet!