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Getting your blog content found online is critical for it to become an effective marketing tool. When you optimize your content for search by using keywords and phrases, you’re making your blog posts more visible to search engines.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, consists of including the keywords and phrases that a consumer would type into Google to find a business like yours. It’s important to use them in your blog content in a natural manner to be found.

Our Top 10 Blog SEO Tips

Implementing these tips when creating new blog content will improve your content’s “searchability.” By taking the time to use these techniques when creating content, you’ll improve your organic search ranking on Google, Yahoo and other search engines, drive traffic to your website, improve your conversion rates, and grow your business.

  1. When creating new content, focus on 1 or 2 long-tail keywords that match your reader’s intent when searching for businesses like yours online.
  2. Include these keywords words or phrases in a natural way, in specific areas of your post. Don’t stuff keywords! Keyword stuffing refers to the practice of loading a webpage with keywords to try and manipulate a site’s ranking in search results. It is viewed negatively by search engines.
  3. Google’s algorithm looks at mobile-friendliness when assigning rank. Make sure your website is mobile friendly and incorporates responsive design techniques.
  4. Optimize your meta description and use all of the available characters. 
  5. Optimize images by adding image alt tags and text. 
  6. Link internally whenever possible.
  7. When creating blog posts use topic clusters – multiple pieces of content that are grouped by a shared topic and related subtopics.
  8. Don’t use too many similar topic tags.
  9. Create evergreen content, which is content that continues to be relevant long past its publication, for long-term SEO benefits.
  10. Repurpose or update your content frequently. Remove any outdated content.

This list doesn’t cover every SEO rule, however, this is a great place to start. Remember, SEO is cumulative. The more unique, SEO optimized content you create the more you’ll improve your organic search results and drive qualified traffic to your website. By creating optimized content using these best practices, you’ll improve your chances of getting found online!