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Where does your digital marketing strategy stand right now? When was the last time you went through your website? How often do you post on social media? By undertaking a digital marketing self-assessment, you’ll be able to measure your success and pinpoint areas for improvement.  

Below are five key areas to review that will help you measure the state of your digital marketing efforts. As you go through them, honestly rate your findings on a 1 to 10 scale, 10 being the best, and you’ll quickly get an idea of where you stand.

1. Outdated User Experience– Is your website updated and current? Does your website cater to your visitors and provide them with a smooth journey as they view your pages? A great UX will pay off with an improved Google ranking.

“To know if the user experience is a positive one, look at the bounce rate. You’ll want to lower it over time as close to 30% as you can.”  – Cheryl Weedmark, Director of Marketing & Customer Experience, IN2communications


2. Poor Google Search Results – Check your rank by opening an incognito window in Chrome and type in the keywords a customer might use to find a business like yours. Do you show up on the first page of the results?

3. Inactive on Social Media– Three potential reasons you may not be having great results on social media…   

  • Not posting enough
  • Posting too much 
  • Does your content drive traffic back to your website? 

Social posts should be regular, but not too regular! Make sure that you tag your posts with a link back to a relevant page on your website. 

4. Not Vlogging or Blogging – Blogging and video blogging are a great way to drive traffic and improve your search ranking. Consistently posting information that is relevant to your customers is the best way to build your brand. 

“Think of blogging like a sailboat, the more sails you have the more wind you’re going to catch and it’s going to lift your site up.” – Rick Lambert, Sales Performance Coach Rick Lambert of

5. Low/No Website Generated Leads– The key to generating leads from your website is to provide a potential customer with enough value that they will give you their contact information in return. Create content like eBooks, checklists, white papers, or industry reports that keep visitors on your pages and drives them to provide you with their information.

Taking stock of your marketing by assessing where you currently stand and working on your strategy to improve your efforts is important! Get five more self-assessment tips by visiting THE SMARKETING SHOW (Episode 37) on YouTube and see where you stand!


Filmed live on location in London, Ontario, The SMARKETING SHOW features award winning B2B Sales Performance Coach Rick Lambert of and former TV News Anchor Cheryl Weedmark, now Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at

Join Rick and Cheryl Thursdays on YouTube when B2B sales and marketing meet!