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Social media is one of the best platforms for driving traffic to your website. If you’re struggling to gain attention online, learning how to create informative content that engages with your audience is a key skill.

With 3.8 billion users, social media offers you a huge potential audience. Getting their support and creating connections and relationships means understanding the various platforms and offering users of those platforms value. 

Social media works when used to educate, entertain, and inform. It’s not about selling. If you want to be heard above the noise, engage with your audience, and produce real results, these content creation tips can help.

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

How often do you spend time reading a huge block of text on your favorite social media platform? If you’re marketing your brand on social, always add an image. Post photos that reach your target audience and watch engagement soar!

Use Personal Photos – Don’t Use Stock Photography

If you’re using stock photography on your social media posts, CUT IT OUT! Stock photos don’t convey your brand ideals, products, or services as well as unique photos! MarketingExperiments tested a “real” photo of a client against top-performing stock images. The result? The real photo increased subscriptions by 35%!

Recycle Evergreen Content into Infographics

Did you know that visual information is retained 65% longer than text? Take advantage! Repurpose your best evergreen content into infographics, graphs, charts, and social media images.

Share Testimonials and Reviews

When you’re in the market for a new product and searching for info, who do you trust, an honest customer review, or the sales guy who stands to make a commission? One of the most powerful pieces of engaging social media is a customer review. Pick your best and design them into readable bites and take advantage of this powerful sales magnet!

Add Social Media Buttons to Your Emails

Social media and email work hand-in-hand to drive traffic to your website. One great way to take advantage of the power of this union is to add social media buttons to your email newsletters so readers can check out what you’re doing on their favorite platform.

Connect with your audience and engage with them on social media in a genuine way and watch your traffic, engagement, and sales soar. These social media tips are an excellent way to start!