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Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of marketing that involves the promotion of a website through online paid advertising. The misconception is that it’s complicated and expensive – but that doesn’t have to be the case! Read on to learn more about online paid advertising and why you should consider it for your business. 

Search vs. Display Paid Advertising

There are many different options available when it comes to online advertising – but two of the most effective are search and display ads. Both can play an important role in an SEM strategy. So….what’s the difference?  

  • Search paid ads are those familiar ads that show up on top of the results pages on Google. You can recognize them because they will say “AD” or “Sponsored” next to them.
  • A display ad is found on a webpage. It can be a header, banner, leaderboard, square, or rectangle. Typically, it will include a way to close the ad, or is embedded on the page. When clicked, display ads typically take the reader to a landing page on a website.

Why You Should Consider Paid Advertising

One of the biggest benefits of online marketing is the ability to cost-effectively launch a product or service using social media, blogging, and other promotional methods. However, today, the online world is much more competitive! 

Paid advertising is a way to guarantee message placement. It drives traffic and sales and should be a part of your marketing mix. 

“Think of it this way, when you go to the amusement park and you’re waiting at the back of the line, but you really you want to get to the front of the line – that’s what paid advertising will do for you, it’s your VIP pass, it will get you to page one.” – Rick Lambert, B2B Sales Performance Coach of

Here are a few reasons to use paid advertising:

  • With search paid advertising you’ll meet your customers where they start their buying journey. They’ve taken the initiative to enter a search term related to your product or service.
  • Paid advertising lends legitimacy to your brand.
  • You can use it to retarget visitors that have already been to your website.

“Retargeting can actually increase your website page hit visits by over 700% in some cases. It’s very effective.” Cheryl Weedmark, Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at

  • Google algorithms recognize companies that spend on ads and your company will appear higher, not only on organic search results, but also on the paid portion at the top of the page.

Consideration When Creating Paid Advertising

Research your keywords! These are the words that a potential buyer would use when searching for your business. Consider using longer “key phrases” which can be better targeted, and also more cost-effective. 

Also, make sure any landing pages your ads bring visitors to are clear, concise, and relevant to the ads associated with them. 

The bottom line… paid advertising works and should be one element of your overall marketing strategy!

Filmed live on location in London, Ontario, The SMARKETING SHOW features award winning B2B Sales Performance Coach Rick Lambert of and former TV News Anchor Cheryl Weedmark, now Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at

Join Rick and Cheryl Thursdays on YouTube when B2B sales and marketing meet!