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It’s that time of year once again! 2021 is just around the corner, and it’s time to revisit and tweak your digital marketing strategy for the coming year. Social media will continue to be the quickest method for generating brand awareness and customer engagement. But, it’s only one element of a comprehensive, well-rounded digital marketing strategy. 

Here are 21 ideas you can use to tune up your digital strategy for 2021 and beyond!!

  1. Automate Your Social Media Posts – Use a scheduling tool to automate your social media posts. This can help you to post consistently and predictably drive traffic to your website and other content.
  2. Set Your Marketing Strategy Seasonally – We often plan our marketing strategies by the rhythm of the different seasons, so why not start by setting specific seasonal campaign goals.
  3. Evaluate New Platforms – The online world is constantly changing and evolving. New platforms and channels are coming online constantly. If there are new platforms you haven’t yet explored, take the time now to begin analyzing them to determine if they make sense for your business.
  4. Downsize by Dropping Ineffective Platforms – If you’ve been consistently posting to a particular platform and have been seeing low engagement, step back and evaluate if it is worth your time to remain active, or move on and explore another option.
  5. Incorporate New Interactive Content – Add interactive elements like polls, games, or quizzes to your website and promote them on social media. It’s an excellent way to increase engagement, add value, and learn more about your visitors.
  6. Research and Create New Hashtags – Create a new list of hashtags and track which posts and hashtags perform best. This can help your Instagram, Twitter, and other social media posts perform better and enable you to connect with new prospects.
  7. Collaborate More – Are there other similar or complementary small businesses you can partner with? Consider creating a collaborative project, like a social media giveaway for followers.
  8. Regularly Analyze Your Posts – Regularly review your social media posts’ analytics to see what type of content is performing the best.
  9. Do a Competitive Analysis – Keep tabs on your biggest competitors. How are they marketing their businesses? Visit their websites and social media. Put together a competitive analysis to compare their marketing strategies with your own. 
  10. Prepare for Ad-Blockers! – 27% of internet users are expected to use ad blockers in 2021. As a result, many marketers are having their primary stream of traffic automatically cut off at the source, including PPC campaigns.
  11. Optimize Content For Voice Search – Currently, around 50% of the world’s population is using some form of voice search, and in 2021 (and the coming years), this number is expected to continue to rise.
  12. Get Personal – Do you only feature your physical products on your website or social media? Get more personal and show your customers the faces behind your business.
  13. Explore Micro-Influencer Marketing – Unlike traditional influencers, micro-influencers have smaller followings – typically thousands or tens of thousands, but their followers are often hyper-engaged.
  14. Use More Direct Messaging – Build relationships with your most loyal customers and local influencers by using direct messaging. Make sure to personalize – everybody knows when it’s automated!
  15. Be Hyper Consistent – To see results, make sure to regularly create and post blogs and social media, and regularly update your website.
  16. Create More Video Content – 2020 has shown us that consumers love video. In 2021, create more short-form video content to engage with your visitors and drive traffic.
  17. Check Out Instagram Reels – Reels is a great platform to help you post more video content. Check it out and start by repurposing your existing video content.
  18. Shoot New Photos – If it’s been a while since you’ve taken new photos for your business, it’s time to upgrade your game in 2021!
  19. Add a Chatbot – 75 to 90% of all online queries are expected to be handled by chatbots by 2022. It’s important for your company to jump in!
  20. Create Paid Advertising – A small investment in paid advertising can revamp your 2021 marketing. Using platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can create reach highly targeted PPC advertising that will deliver your message to the consumers most likely to buy your product.
  21. Set Some BIG Goals for 2021 – Take a chance in 2021 and set some big goals! Don’t be afraid to dream big and reach for those dreams!

To be successful in the coming year, keep yourself informed of the new platforms, strategies, and techniques to keep your brand awareness growing in 2021. Allow your digital marketing strategy to be flexible. Today, the business world is changing rapidly. Your digital marketing strategy should be fluid, flexible, and never something that is set in stone.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Jump on new trends, explore new platforms, and expand your marketing tool kit. You never know what strategy might be the perfect solution that fits your business needs.