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You may have seen other companies’ blogs on their websites and wondered if your company should have a blog too. The short answer is yes! Blogs can be a valuable addition to your website for many reasons.

43% of B2B marketers say blogging is their most important type of content.
(Social Marketing Industry Report, 2017)

Here are the top three reasons why blogs are beneficial to your website:

1. Increased Web Traffic

The main benefit of blogging is that it will increase the web traffic on your website, which in turn increases leads. The more people you have visiting your website, the more likely you are to earn a new customer. Blogging can increase the traffic in a variety of ways, including:

  • Increased number of pages means increased search engine indexes.
  • New content is rewarded with better search engine rankings.
  • More interesting content leads to an increase in inbound links.
  • Inbound links increase your SEO.

When you put all these factors together, you’ll get more people coming to your website, generating leads, and ultimately becoming customers. Each time your blog, you increase the number of web-pages you have, which directly relates to your search engine ranking and lead generation potential.

Once you write 21-54 blog posts, blog traffic generation increases by up to 30%. (Source: TrafficGenerationCafe)

2. Increased Authority

Having a blog allows you to show your expertise in a way a standard web-page cannot. A blog allows you to post about topics in your industry of interest to your customer base. As you show your expertise, you will increase your authority in the industry and create brand recognition with potential customers. When they need services in your industry, they will be more likely to come to you than a non-blogging competitor.

Blogs are rated as the 5th most trusted sources for accurate online information.
(Source: HubSpot)

3. Better Customer Relationships

Businesses are often seen as faceless entities, but a blog can change that. Blogging allows you to add a human touch, writing about topics that are timely and of interest to your community and customer base. Blog entries can also be posted on your social media accounts and email newsletters to expand your reach. When people comment on your blog posts, you have the opportunity to respond, establishing a trusting relationship with your customer base. 

81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs.
(Source: BlogHer)

Blogging is an inexpensive way to have a big impact on your business. As you establish yourself as an industry expert and get to know your customers, you are also increasing your web traffic every time you post. With such a large return on investment, blogging is a valuable form of advertising your business.

Want to learn more? Not sure where to start? Give us a call and let us help you get started on your blogging journey!