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Meta has officially launched its new app called Threads, which is a direct rival of Twitter. The app was launched on July 5, 2023, in 100 countries, and in just 24 hours, over 30 million users had already signed up.

The app, developed by the Instagram team, allows users to share text updates and join public conversations. It presents stiff competition for Twitter and has already gained a lot of attention, with thirty million users signing up on the first day of its release.

Have you joined the conversation yet? If you’re interested in experiencing first-hand what Threads has to offer, read on to learn more!

Capabilities of Threads

For now, only Instagram users can create a Threads account. The app presents a feed that includes threads posted by people you follow as well as recommended content from new creators you haven’t discovered yet. Posts can be up to 500 words long and include links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes in length.

Users have control over who can mention them or reply to their threads. Like Instagram, users can add hidden words to filter out replies containing specific words. Accounts that have been blocked on Instagram are also automatically blocked on Threads.

new Threads app logo on cellphone

What’s Missing?

One of the most obvious omissions from Threads is direct messaging. One-on-one private messaging is a hallmark of almost every major social media network, but Threads doesn’t offer it…at least for now. The app also lacks the ability to include hashtags or search for specific text or phrases.

Privacy Concerns

Threads collects sensitive data such as users’ physical addresses, health and fitness data, biometric and ethnic data, etc., as it is owned by Meta. This may not sit well with some users who are concerned about the privacy of their personal information.

Threads – The Future of Online Conversations?

Despite these drawbacks, Threads’ unique features might attract users who are looking for a new way to connect with friends and family. However, much depends on user feedback and the rollout of new features. It’s worth noting that Threads was designed as a mobile application and does not offer a web version, so you can only access the service via iOS or Android apps.

If you’re interested in trying out Threads, it’s free to download from the App Store (iOS) and the Play Store (Android). Keep an eye out for updates and new features as the app continues to evolve.

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